Exercise 1

Setting a Precise Viewing Rotation

In this exercise, you rotate the view camera to orient the assembly.

  1. Open the file Lesson2.prn.


  1. In the Panel Bar, click Precise View Rotation. The Incremental View Rotate dialog box appears.
  2. In the Incremental View Rotate dialog box, enter 90 in the Increment field.
  3. Click the Rotate Up button. The top of the assembly rotates away from you 90°.


Specifying a rotation increment.

  1. In the Increment field, change the value to 45.
  2. Click the Rotate Left button. The end of the assembly nearest to you rotates 45° to the left.
  3. Change the value in the Increment field to 15.
  4. Click the Roll Clockwise button. The assembly rolls 15° clockwise.

After completing the final rotation.

  1. Right-click Explosion1 in the Browser and choose Save Camera.
  2. In the Incremental View Rotate dialog box, click OK. The dialog box closes.
  3. Click Save. The program saves the new camera view with the file.